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Bad for Us

Ironically, perhaps even suicidally, we've elected the party whose assumption is that "government is bad for us." And now it is. They are that cynical slogan. It'll be hard to extricate ourselves from this disaster. That's why I flew the flag upside down, symbolizing my country in distress. It's my patriotic gesture, flown despite the ire it might rouse. In the history of our society and government, in relations with…

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Our Family Home

These old photos of our family home and me arrived from my sister, setting off a chain of ruminations and reactions on New Year's Eve, a few hours shy of 2025. Here I am on my first day of kindergarten…

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Missing the Point

The only ones not shocked and worried at Trump's reelection should be. A vile, lying con man has retaken the presidency, despite who he blatantly is. Those who are full of glee now will soon regret their historic blunder. Americans…

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Living Past the Lies

Anxious about the election? Tired of being lied to? Concerned that our two-hundred-year-old democratic republics could abruptly end, delivered over to petty but fanatical moralists and the amoral rich? Hitler lost the battle, but are his types resurging to win…

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Quotes and Jokes

"I'm tired of egotists. They're more interested in themselves than in me." (My favorite joke lately.) I've been keeping a file of quotes and jokes for years. Here it is for your viewing pleasure. (My apologies to readers because all…

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Stop when You Must

"When most of the ice is gone, the seerious global warming begins." Michael Dowd

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As I turned off the daunting news, I barely noticed the ad to financially adept persons, an ad affirming, “A life well-planned.” Not mine.  I stumbled into college as part of the prereq for going to mortuary school.  An associate…

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Elusive is funny?

Evasively Elusive

What a time we're in, somewhere between Shakespeare and the Marks Brothers, or perhaps Orwell's "Ministry of Truth" and Colbert's "truthiness." Is this tragedy or comedy? The Nightly News brings bad news, medical complications, and warnings about taking expensive new…

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A Blue Tie!

Why no signature red tie expressing his angry aggression? Instead, he wore a bright blue tie, complaining about "blue Manhattan."  So-called Blue Democrats in New York and elsewhere are not legitimate Americans in his view.  He complained that the judge…

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The latest from Healthy People & Planet

Think and Think and Think

“Think, and think, and think,” Art advised.  Art Brayfield, former head of the American Psychological Association, learned but reclusive, liked my thoughtful sermons and occasional visits.  His advice seems truer…


Good Earthkeeping Tools and Trends for September, 2018

This may be my last Good Earthkeeping Tools and Trends. KSKQ has changed the two-hour Morning Show, changing the first hour to Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! After three years of bringing in such tools and trends, I may start an evening radio show, The Liberal Hour, or invest my time in other related ventures.

The latest from Democratic Relations

Bad for Us

Ironically, perhaps even suicidally, we've elected the party whose assumption is that "government is bad for us." And now it is. They are that cynical slogan. It'll be hard to…



Trump tweeted that "These Thugs and Radical Left Monsters have just indicated" him. I believe he wanted the word "indicted," because he just was for trying to hide the hush…

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