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Living Past the Lies

Anxious about the election? Tired of being lied to? Concerned that our two-hundred-year-old democratic republics could abruptly end, delivered over to petty but fanatical moralists and the amoral rich? Hitler lost the battle, but are his types resurging to win the war? I'm anxious but hopeful. I'm worn out by life, my career, and trying to be a decent citizen. I will end this essay with hope, but I must first admit the danger. You'll note my leftist slant for much of this. But read…

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Quotes and Jokes

"I'm tired of egotists. They're more interested in themselves than in me." (My favorite joke lately.) I've been keeping a file of quotes and jokes for years. Here it is for your viewing pleasure. (My apologies to readers because all the formatting to attribute authors switched from the right edge of the page to the left. Usually, the author's name follows the quote. Darn Blue Host's skimpy tools! Also discovered, two versions of my autobiography, one completed in 2012, found under Home/About the Founder, and…

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As I turned off the daunting news, I barely noticed the ad to financially adept persons, an ad affirming, “A life well-planned.” Not mine.  I stumbled into college as part of the prereq for going to mortuary school.  An associate degree and a Certificate in Mortuary Science later, I liked it, so I went on to get a Bachelor's in Psychology and Philosophy.  (Perhaps I disappointed the kind family at the funeral home.)  I stumbled further into graduate school, taking my interest in philosophy and…

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Elusive Is Funny?

Evasively Elusive

What a time we're in, somewhere between Shakespeare and the Marks Brothers, or perhaps Orwell's "Ministry of Truth" and Colbert's "truthiness." Is this tragedy or comedy? The Nightly News brings bad news, medical complications, and warnings about taking expensive new medicines advertised by cheery people dancing in their kitchens. Do you have to be sick to have fun? Be sure to consult your health care "provider." Away from the news, we can watch numerous versions of shows that alarm us with "murder!" Even PBS hawks…

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A Blue Tie!

Why no signature red tie expressing his angry aggression? Instead, he wore a bright blue tie, complaining about "blue Manhattan."  So-called Blue Democrats in New York and elsewhere are not legitimate Americans in his view.  He complained that the judge and jury were "rigged." "Everybody knows what happened here," he whined. Indeed, they do. He wasn't able to install a MAGA judge and jury. Instead, he had to put upwith ordinary Americans in an ordinary trial. Unlike the rest of his privilegedpast, expensive lawyers couldn't…

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Civil War Movie Review

Civil War Warning

Here’s a warning: Don't see this movie if you can’t stand violence or want clarity about who the good and bad guys would be in a potential civil war. Do see the movie if you can stand the disturbing violence and if you care not to let our country descend into civil war. In an appropriately disturbing way, the new movie is a wonderful warning - for two reasons. First, it is masterfully constructed and shot.  All the actors are effective.  The soundtrack is clear…

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Left. Right? Wrong.

Left, right. We used to just walk and talk. It's all messed up lately. The left is a losing label.  It can mean left behind, left out.  The left is the non-dominant side of the body in most people, the weak, inept side.  Meanwhile right is called right, correct, approved, and moral.  It’s the strong side.  I’d like to be called right, but I’m left moping for the losing side, the naïve idealists, the bleeding hearts.  In my life, I’ve seen the right as usually…

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