Ironically, perhaps even suicidally, we've elected the party whose assumption is that "government is bad for us." And now it is. They are that cynical…
Making America Grope Again!
In keeping with his so-far-successful strategy of appealing to the repugnant values of his base, making America groan again, Donald Trump has reached for a new low – groping the groins of those he finds attractive.
Most people are aghast at his pushing his star status on pretty women. I am not. It is an evolutionary trait that some women make allowances for men of position, money, and power and for some men to take advantage when they can. Henry Kissinger famously said, “Power is the greatest aphrodisiac.” Of all the things Trump’s done and said, this isn’t as bad. It fits his temperament, and some, not all, might like to be groped by him.
If so, I blame neither they nor him for breaking norms or taboos. In America, bad boys and girls are still part of us. He could even bring such persons into his strategy for the election. Those who approve of his groping women, or those wanting to be groped, could vote for him.
Lest macho men think groping is their manly right, let them imagine how they’d like it if Trump found them attractive. Would they like him commenting on their body parts, grabbing their groins, and pushing his hard forwardness into them? If they would, they could vote for him. If not, they might empathize with women dealing with such boorish men.
Let the election decide. Show the world our true American character. If mocking the disabled increases our sense of power and privilege, if insulting whole races and religions makes us superior, if trashing some women while groping others makes us feel suave, then Trump is our leader. Groping isn’t just copping a feel, it also means stumbling about, grabbing for elusive solutions. If Trump wins, he’ll be making America grope again!
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