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On the Edge

Uneasy I had a dream the other night where I had taken a corner too fast on a sharp curve and went over the edge, trying to steer down a cliff-like drop.  It reminds me of our country lately, especially my part in this. (Sorry, readers, this post appears to be current when in fact it appeared in 2016. Blue Host (publisher of my web site) attached the current date to it, and I don't know how to fix that.) The half-way decent Republican we…

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Besides Chores, a Life of Love?

One of my favorite sermons was one I gave in St. Joseph, Michigan in 1971. I used the pulpit to preach what I truly thought was true and good: pot. I put a notice of the topic in the newspaper, and sure enough, some plain-clothes police showed up. I preached in favor of the legalization of pot, explaining it enhances moods and leads to creative thoughts. Because it was still illegal, the joint I appeared to roll while in the pulpit was just imaginary. But…

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Simple Days and Splendid Ways – Saint Patrick’s and Other Days

Welcome to Saint Patrick’s Day!  May your shamrock not fall in your green beer, and if it does, drink it!  Even if this day isn’t what we might have thought it was, it is our excuse to wear green and party, even if none of this makes historical sense.  I don’t want to ruin it for you, for in these dismal political times we need excuses to party, but even so, the legends of the day need some deconstructing.  Saint Patrick wasn’t Irish; perhaps he…

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My part in online forums in January 2021

Well, it's been a busy year so far. We're hunkered down, avoiding the Covid, keyed up, toying with racist fascism, and dimly worried, denying how hot we could get. Yet the stay-at-home days and months have mellowed us to homier routines. Some say we're already into the early days of the Age of Aquarius. Hope so. I'm proud of the Democrats, especially those in Georgia, for helping barely rescue us from a madman conman who thinks he can act like a privileged, uncontrolled king. I'm…

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2020 – The Year that Wasn’t Easy

2020 – The Year that Wasn’t Easy An Appreciative Lament I started out the year feeling kinda spiffy. Then I fell on my face Until I fell on my face Then I cut the very tip of my main guitar finger off. (Ever try to open and apply a band-aid when one hand is already bloody? You can’t. Passive-aggressive sadists have designed it so it can’t be used.) Which had barely healed when I smashed the tip of my second-most main guitar finger, which infected…

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Reflections on Old Racial Wounds, Hope, Global Warming, Pollution, and Transport

For diligent readers, my December 2020 involvement in On-line Forums on various subjects. (Cleantechnica and KOS, mostly) If interested, read these Reflections I contributed to online forums in December of 2020. Byrd on KOS in Response to Winter Rabbit’s Wounded Knee – 130-year Anniversary: Winter Rabbit jarringly reminds us – what we were told was glory was, in fact, gory.   I stumbled upon the now-peaceful fields of Wounded Knee a year back.  At the curio shop, a convivial mix of natives and western whites mingled. …

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Grandma Aggie

Our dear Grandma Aggie died. Grandma Aggie Pilgrim, revered local elder of her Takelma Tribe and of Natives in general, also loved, and was loved by, people in general. Humanity was her family. Life on Earth was her larger home. How often we assume we'll have more chances to be with our dear ones, only to find those chances have ended. I've seen Grandma Aggie many times over the years. I always liked her and felt she liked me too. She had good vibes. Just…

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Good Earthkeeping Tools and Trends for November, 2018

Why do this?  I continue to gather news that tells of those tools andtrends that affect our global situation.  While some don't care about newtechnologies and policies, I think both are crucial in rescuing us from theplight of global warming and similar problems for life on earth, primarily for humans, but for plants and animals too.  Positive tools and trends are even more important and are included here along with the blunders and bummers. I used to do these reports at my radio show at KSKQ. …

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Good Earthkeeping Tools and Trends from August, 2018

While CNN, Forbes, MSNBC, and Business Insider all jump on Elon Musk and Tesla as if he and it are about to fail, Tesla keeps making cars and money. Short-sellers bet against such companies, hoping they’ll fail. Perhaps some promote negative stories to push that process. But Tesla keeps winning.

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AMA connection

I barely understand a new way to publish and get feedback called Ask Me Anything.  But I am signing up under a Religion and Faith category (mine being Ecological Religion) and posting a "proof" photo here as part of that process. Evidently, I'll be hosting an event related to this process this Thursday, May 3, at 3 PM.  (I assume 3 PM Pacific Time.) Hopefully, this will connect me with interested parties also using the AMA system.  If anyone from AMA comes here, look around at…

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