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Todd Miller interview, author of “Storming the Wall – Climate Change, Migration and Homeland Security”

I and Jason Houk interview Dr. Todd Miller, author of "Storming the Wall - Climate Change, Migration and Homeland Security at KSKQ radio in Ashland, Oregon on November 14th, 2017. Miller discusses the militarized over-reach of the Trump government, out 100 miles from our southern border, effectively creating a surveilance state and a standing army on American soil, a Trumpian "constitution-free zone." This project uses a 12 fold increase in funding, from $1.5B to $20B, more than what the FBI gets. When the Berlin Wall…

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Interview with Michael Dowd

The Reverend Michael Dowd, pro-future evangelist, and I talk shop and religious philosophy for almost an hour. Michael Dowd, author of "Thank God for Evolution," has a refreshingly similar philosophy as I do: Nature is our primary access to ultimate Reality. If religion is an accurate and fruitful relation with Reality, being religious is living well in our bodies on our precious earth. Too much, religion in humanity directs us to afterlives and instead-of-lifes, to a distant and vague God instead of the "stuff" of…

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Interview Constance Dean

I interview Constance Dean on my Tuesday morning radio show at KSKQ in Ashland, Oregon.  Constance remembers her challenging life and how she broke through to self-ability and self-respect.  I had helped her remodel her house, tearing off a back room, creating a new foundation for a large community room and a second story for her private bedroom.  Almost all the materials were found for free at yardsales or from Habitat for Humanity.  The recycled nature of the project took on spiritual and synchronistic surprise.

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Emerson Interview

Here's a lovely one hour interview of me, Brad Carrier, by Aletha Nowitzky, host of her weekly program, "Tasty Topics and Tantalizing Tunes," on KSKQ Community Radio Station in Ashland, Oregon, on May 24th, 2014. I pull out some favorite Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes in response to her prompts. Aletha's pleasant voice and music help make this remembrance of Emerson's ideas an easy and relevant reminder for living up to our selves today. We're still benefiting from what he boldly said in the mid 1800's.

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Father’s Day Interview

I was interviewed by my dear friend,  Aletha Nowitzky, on her Saturday morning (10 - 11AM) radio show "Tasty Topics and Tantalizing Tunes" on KSKQ in Ashland, Oregon.  (A low-power local station, but you can listen live on line.)  She posted the show on their archive.  Take a listen; it does a good job of exploring fatherhood, especially from my dad and for my three sons:

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