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Hail Haley? We’ll See

President elect Donald Trump has a chance to actually make America great and secure a lasting heroic role in history. Or he could could be remembered as just another fascistic glory-glut who does lasting damage before being deposed. I have a lingering glimmer of hope he isn't as bad as he's been portrayed.  He seems more pragmatic than ideological.  He's no King Ashoka ("he who is without sorrow and regards everyone with affection") but he could be remembered as the surprise president who healed a…

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Dear Donald

Dear Donald Trump, I have to admit, despite all your faults, I don't dislike you.  You have pizzazz, boldness.  You've brawled your way from the outside through the Republican primary and our national election to win the presidency, something few believed could be done.  Your utter negativity and gravely voice worked.  I don't mind your fancy hair-do.  Your wife is pretty. Maybe you're not as bad as I and others fear. Lest readers think I am only and always negative on you, here are some…

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"Oops," said Texas governor Rick Perry during the Republican primary. He couldn't remember which vital branch of our government he would flippantly trash.  Now, such silly, sad, slogan-laden stupidity of the Tea Party and Alt Right might attack us and our government with all the finesse of a sledge-hammer. "Oops," says America.  What frivolous, furious, folly have we voted into rule?  Trump and his supporters will be making America groan again!  And again.  We will wince for generations. He'll be making America grope again too,…

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