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Have a Heart to Help your Head

Robert Fulgum was delighted that a student brought an actual human brain to show and tell.  The students got to hold the three pound organ in their hands.  “I have one of those things between my ears,” he said, reminding them that not only does it serve to monitor and adjust all the functions of the body, from breathing to moods, it holds much more:   [It] contains all the limericks I know, a recipe for how to cook a turkey, the remembered smell of…

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Doctor’s Advice

The essence of liberal religion lives in you as you.  There is no separation between body and soul.  You are embodied soul.  The worldly and the worthy are not different things or places.  Your unique incarnation inherits inherent freedom and responsibility.  Who you are and how you live in your spirit, body, community, world, and cosmos is yours to live as you choose.  So it is for each and all of us.  This is the common existential condition we attempt to understand and care for…

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