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From Silly through Sad to Sensible?

Following on my earlier blog on Oregon Silliness, events dragged on, petered out and popped with the sad death of Robert Finicum.  He may or may not have been shot reaching for his 45 in a tense stand-off.  This was sad, but he's no martyr, and the tragedy should warn and redirect us all on the relevant issues. The impetus for outsiders to occupy the Malheur Wildlife Refuge was largely organized by Ammon Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy who had earlier (2014) mounted a tense…

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Oregon Silliness

Here in Oregon a group of armed men seized a remote federal wildlife refuge, some claiming they are patriots ready to kill and be killed protecting their freedom and land.  How silly.  They are angry because a father and son got longer prison sentences for arson, probably lit to cover up their poaching. What are the guns for?  Do they intend to shoot the sheriff, or maybe the receptionist at the BLM, or anyone daring to object to their rude and childish tactics?  In the…

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