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The Pursuit and Enjoyment of Happiness

(This is the third article I've published in Maya's and her daughter Radhaa's series, Awakening Starseeds, Volumes 1-3. I appreciate the honor of being included in their book series (which is available on Amazon). I wanted to punch Rajneesh in the nose, pull back my fist, and ask him a question: “If we are not the body, it and the world all being the illusion of maya, would you mind if I punch you in the nose again?” I didn’t, of course.  I had nothing…

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Be Embodied

(This was my entry into the recently published book, Awakening Starseeds, by Radhaa Publishing. While most of the entries of this international assemblage deal with soul shaking/awakening experiences, mine goes to the bare bones of our matter and what matters.) Barely beyond high school, I came face-to-face with death and birth working for a funeral home that also ran the local ambulance.  I dealt with old dead bodies, and on the ambulance, watched some die, saved a few from death, and helped deliver a slippery…

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Gurus My first night in Bombay, sleeping on the woven mat cot, a small lizard dropped on my forehead.  “Yeow!” I jumped. “What happened?” I heard from the other room. “A lizard landed on my head!” “Very auspicious,” they said, laughing.   In the hot summer of 1971, at age 26, I had left my seminary to tour India with my guru/friend, Dr. Vasavada, and to meet his guru, the Blind Saint of Vrindivan. By the time I got my funeral director’s license in 1967…

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The Purpose of Life is to Give Life Purpose

  When I met Shri Bhagwan Rajneesh in a posh hotel in Bombay I wanted to punch him in the nose.  I had gone to India sick of the west’s view of earth as merely a place for a divine drama that leads to an afterlife.  In India I found its counterpart: a yearning for an instead-of life.  Rajneesh sported a Rolex as he knocked the communists for wanting worldly improvements.  He assured us the body isn’t real and neither is this world; they’re merely…

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