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Supremely Assaulting Court

(Prepare for a rant. A rant is a meager response to the dismal, dangerous place our society is in right now. Outrage is suitable. This is the most important year in American history, one that calls on us all as citizens of a self-run government and society. There are reasons beyond these to be upset, and there are reasons not elaborated on here (but are elsewhere on this site) to be realistically hopeful.) Our Supreme Court now implements the extremist agenda of the fascistic Republican…

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Worry for the Worst; Quest for the Best

We worry for the worst. Wary gets scary. Relations grow reactionary. We're susceptible to this, but built for better. On the eve of the most important presidential election in American history, and in the spirit of a realistically scary 2020 Halloween, I slog through this dismal blog with a scary featured image, not to dishearten you, but rehearten you. We need to face realistic fears to move to practical hopes. It was an Innocent Halloween in 2019 Just a year ago we hadn't heard of…

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Trump Victory as Republican Funeral

At this inaugural moment, Republicans should consider Lao Tzu’s warning: conduct your victory as a funeral.  Your gloat of power could turn on you. For the next four years, or forty, or four hundred, you could be making America groan again. After eight years of disloyal, insulting, relentless ridicule and obstruction of our decent president, after blatant racism and bully threats, after gerrymandering of congressional districts and voter suppression, after stoking the worst in us, after flippantly ignoring and excusing blatant Russian and FBI manipulation…

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New Nattering Nabobs of Negativity

It was an earlier September 11th, back in 1970, when Nixon's vice-president Spiro Agnew let loose his alliterative "nattering nabobs of negativity." It helped launch the so-called Moral Majority, which morphed into the belligerent Tea Party, which shouted Donald Trump into our lives. Thing is, Republicans have long-been their own nattering nabobs of negativity. It's the only thing they do!  They deliberately didn't cooperate with anything President Obama politely posed.  They stopped our government from working at all, then blamed the malaise on Obama.  They're…

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Veering the Vast Momentum

We are born of, ride along with, and can slightly veer a vast momentum.  From the cosmos to consciousness, we are in momentums we might veer. There's a cosmic momentum that launched atoms and galaxies billions of years ago; they hum and spin still and will continue.  The rocks on Mt. Ashland seem solid and lasting, but peer inside closely enough and you'll see the momentum of elemental particles coming into and out of existence repeatedly.  The electrons vibrate or spin reliably.  Given enough time,…

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