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Good Earthkeeping Tools and Trends for November, 2018

Why do this?  I continue to gather news that tells of those tools andtrends that affect our global situation.  While some don't care about newtechnologies and policies, I think both are crucial in rescuing us from theplight of global warming and similar problems for life on earth, primarily for humans, but for plants and animals too.  Positive tools and trends are even more important and are included here along with the blunders and bummers. I used to do these reports at my radio show at KSKQ. …

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Visions of Whole, Healed, Healthy, Happy World

What ever became of vision?  Our current political and religious leadership have visions so dark and backward we forsake ever hoping for better.  Can we look past these dreary scenarios?  Dare we?   The visionaries of the past left failed results, leading us to cynicism.  Skinner’s meager Walden II was at least a fair attempt at being fair.  The Farm in Tennessee and the Oneida Community in upper New York were limited to limited communes.  The great socialist vision of a worker’s paradise descended into…

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Perihelion Promise

It seems paradoxical that here on Perihelion Day, when we’re the closest to the sun, we’re so cold.  If we’re three million miles closer now than we are on July 4th, Aphelion Day, why aren’t we hotter now and colder then?  It depends more on the angle of relationship than the distance.  Our northern hemisphere gets a glancing-off short day of sunlight that also has to penetrate more atmosphere at that shallow angle.  So, while we’re closer than ever, we’re coldest because of our angel…

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