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BBC Says in later August 2022

BBC says in later August 2022 I had stopped copying my online screeds until later August. The first is the most fun. I'll just drop them in here in chronological order for your perusal on topics from drugs to politics to the 2nd Amendment to appropriate technologies to human nature to Ukraine to Gorbachev. 8-21-22 to NYT on cannabis drinks I've enjoyed smoking cannabis since 1970 and have recommended its legalization from the pulpit. However, there is a difference between smoking in eating it. I…

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Supremely Assaulting Court

(Prepare for a rant. A rant is a meager response to the dismal, dangerous place our society is in right now. Outrage is suitable. This is the most important year in American history, one that calls on us all as citizens of a self-run government and society. There are reasons beyond these to be upset, and there are reasons not elaborated on here (but are elsewhere on this site) to be realistically hopeful.) Our Supreme Court now implements the extremist agenda of the fascistic Republican…

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BBC Says in June 2022

That's me, jumping off the rope into Squaw Lake, similarly risky as posting online. The following is a log of what I put online in various forums during June. Because so few people read these, I'm not taking the time to arrange and edit them for our purpose here. If you have responses or additions, you can add them at the bottom. . . . . . . For those looking for my previous posting, Ira Flies, I've removed it and placed it in my…

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