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Shoot Trump?

As of tomorrow, I can’t even raise the question without violating the law about threatening presidents.  But the question and possibility will remain if Trump begins to copy Philippine President Duterte’s slaughter of over 5000 supposed drug pushers and users.  If Trump okays living by the sword in other countries or here, he deserves that same sword. They’re called “extra judicial” killings, meaning “lawless,” only using terms that make it sound “especially legal.”  Calling them “sub-human beings who deserve to die,” Duterte bragged he’s like…

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Alternatives to the War on Drugs (2002)

Thirty years ago as a young student minister in Michigan I preached against our government’s persecution and prohibition of drugs. In the back of the room the local police and prosecutors sat, glowering. In the front, in the pulpit, I rolled what appeared to be a joint. However, because marijuana was illegal, I had to use imaginary marijuana, relying only on the placebo effect for our shared spiritual experience. I toked it up, held my breath, and passed it around as a communion. Most people…

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