Uneasy I had a dream the other night where I had taken a corner too fast on a sharp curve and went over the edge,…
Todd Miller interview, author of “Storming the Wall – Climate Change, Migration and Homeland Security”
I and Jason Houk interview Dr. Todd Miller, author of “Storming the Wall – Climate Change, Migration and Homeland Security at KSKQ radio in Ashland, Oregon on November 14th, 2017.
Miller discusses the militarized over-reach of the Trump government, out 100 miles from our southern border, effectively creating a surveilance state and a standing army on American soil, a Trumpian “constitution-free zone.”
This project uses a 12 fold increase in funding, from $1.5B to $20B, more than what the FBI gets.
When the Berlin Wall fell, there were 13 walls in the world; now there are 70.
Miller is a journalist from Tuscon, Arizona.
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