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Earth’s Eden: Love it or Lose it

And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:31) We are born of and live in Eden, and it lives in us.  We are made of it and for it. By Eden I don’t mean a mythical land of a biblical past, I mean the actual garden bible writers once loved, and I mean the rest of the garden that we should love.  Eden suffers both blunder and attack by us humans, exponentially-so in the last two hundred…

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Gotta Start Somewhere

You gotta do to do.  Big plans and bigger imaginations don't get it done.  Drawers of files of information and ideas just get more crammed.  Needs as wide as a round ball planet go neglected.  I've taken in too much and given out too little of it.  I gotta start somewhere, so I'll start here. I'll start by publishing to the entire world, knowing no one knows I'm doing it.  I publish to all humanity, and not just for these decades, yet I'm alone so…

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