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The Storm is Coming: Disinformed is Worse than Misinformed

It was a totally nice day as I walked by a guy in a car with the engine running.  After I shopped and came out of the store, it was still running.  I wanted to grab him, take him to the tailpipe, and put his mouth on it.  “Breathe that, you irresponsible dope!” Instant car karma, he gets first what he otherwise sends to everybody else! Unless his starter was broken, he was either misinformed and ignorant of our shared responsibility to not wreck our…

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Cars and Ethics

The cars we use are an ethical concern. Whether we're driving down the road emitting harmful gasses that will linger for hundreds of years or not - matters. When I'm using my Taurus V-6 I'm guilty of fouling our earth a bit. When I use my electric bike instead, the overall impact of my ride is improved dramatically for my part of the "bit." Of course, what I or any single person does or doesn't do matters very little to our collective predicament. Yet, a…

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Good Earthkeeping Tools and Trends for September, 2018

This may be my last Good Earthkeeping Tools and Trends. KSKQ has changed the two-hour Morning Show, changing the first hour to Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! After three years of bringing in such tools and trends, I may start an evening radio show, The Liberal Hour, or invest my time in other related ventures.

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Byron says . . . (July 2018)

If interested, here's what I sent out on-line to various forums or other communications.   7-8-18 to Cleantech on Tesla Short Sellers, specifically deliberate slam piece by New York Times Wallace  neroden • 2 days ago The New York Times hit piece on Tesla had its reporter claiming that he couldn't easily make the trip. Here's a partial list of what the reporter did in order to make a story about running out of juice... "As the State of Charge log shows, the Model S battery never ran out…

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Tesla Factory a Shrine?

Because I’m a minister long-concerned for the ethics of how we get and use energy, my recent trip to tour the Tesla factory to the San Francisco bay area (Fremont) had an inspiring feel to it, like going on a pilgrimage to a shrine. Tesla doesn’t advertise or use dealerships, yet it is rapidly transforming the car world.  This isn’t just for money.  CEO and early investor Elon Musk’s life-intention has a “massively transformative purpose.”  Above the doorway to the factory it reads, “Our Mission:…

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