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Urgent Warning!

The Muddled Middle

Middle of what - the American experiment, western civilization, human progress? How about the middle of geologic earth with billions of years yet to come? Middle-aged for me? Sure, if I live to be 152. Maybe by then, I'll know what I should know by now. Perhaps we're near the middle of global warming (recently called "climate change" in order to make it seem more ambiguous and less alarming). We're either halfway to halting and reversing it back to familiar and comfortable pre-industrial levels (meaning…

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Veering the Vast Momentum

We are born of, ride along with, and can slightly veer a vast momentum.  From the cosmos to consciousness, we are in momentums we might veer. There's a cosmic momentum that launched atoms and galaxies billions of years ago; they hum and spin still and will continue.  The rocks on Mt. Ashland seem solid and lasting, but peer inside closely enough and you'll see the momentum of elemental particles coming into and out of existence repeatedly.  The electrons vibrate or spin reliably.  Given enough time,…

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