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Good ‘n Gettin’ Better

Don't let the devil sell you what you already have. Good and getting better is a tag line for an impending song extolling our condition. What? Wait! Aren't we weary of Covid, worried about armed crazies, tired of Texas and taxes? Yes, and we're stuck in a dangerously warming planet that the fossil fuel media and lobbyists would have us "don't look up." I would counter that we should look up, not just at the comet of planetary fever increasingly upon us, but at all…

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Solstice Signs

The huge full moon, the amazingly colorful solstice morning, and Christmas all came together in a beautiful way that seemed to portend a beautiful upcoming year. I hope so. 2021 was a bit of a dreary, frustrating challenge. We're all worn by social, political, and medical worries. I hope and pray we regain a healthy community. Here's the sky on solstice: Solstice Sky Same solstice sky, another view I appreciate those few of you who came here to read what I post. However, it was…

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Reviewing Vern’s Sonnets: “Thanks for Noticing”

I wouldn't have read Thanks for Noticing - The Interpretation of Desire by the Reverend Doctor Vern Barnet were he not my friend from seminary.  Vern was a bold visionary, too much for the staid faculty at our University of Chicago seminary, Meadville/Lombard. His three-volume D. Min. thesis on The Void may have perplexed and overwhelmed them.  True to his brilliant mind and audacious quirks, he brings his encyclopedic knowledge of trans-cultural mytho-religious facts into his penchant to link the sacred and the sexual. I'm…

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Partial, Yet a Part

I'll bet you're like me.  I tend to think, "I know," and I do.  But what I tend to not know is how much I don't know.  There's not just all the information out there that I don't know, it's all the information in here that I barely remember.  I can access only a bit of what I know, but even that large realm is only a bit of what I should know.  You know things too, but you're like me, partial, limited, only a…

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Gotta Start Somewhere

You gotta do to do.  Big plans and bigger imaginations don't get it done.  Drawers of files of information and ideas just get more crammed.  Needs as wide as a round ball planet go neglected.  I've taken in too much and given out too little of it.  I gotta start somewhere, so I'll start here. I'll start by publishing to the entire world, knowing no one knows I'm doing it.  I publish to all humanity, and not just for these decades, yet I'm alone so…

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The Problem of Religion and the Promise of Creation

The Problem of Religion and the Promise of Creation Have you noticed that the three great monotheistic religions of the world are also the three great problem makers in the world? Is God the problem? Does God want these vast forces to wage war with the others? We’re told lately that society has gotten too secular, too wayward, and that we should return to our religions and have more faith. But should we? Haven’t religions often been the source of problems – from stifling knowledge…

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