"When most of the ice is gone, the seerious global warming begins." Michael Dowd
To all my subscribers
All three of you! (Actually, the photo was taken at my ordination.)
Or maybe there’s 116, which Mail Chimp says is how many checked this website last month.
I was down and out much of last month, barely alive, and now glad to be alive while getting better.
In any case, I feel like earthlyrelgion is my labor of love preparing for even more labor and more love. I hope to make earthlyreligion far more public and trafficked this coming month.
So, loyal readers, all two or more of you, bless you for checking in, and know that you’re among the first to subscribe and support my promoting what I theologically and naturally and humanisticly, call “the good.”
We need to remember what is truly good as we live with and towards it. I’m glad you’re with me in this nascent endeavor!
Brad, great to hear you are on the mend. All is well with us here in Michigan. The weather has been beautiful and we have had a great summer. What about getting on social media. With your in depth knowledge you may be able to reach 10’s of thousands of like minded followers . Anyway, stay in touch, Best Wishes, Jim
Thanks, Jim. I’m pretty klutzy with social media, yet it is one of the tools I aspire to use. For instance, I was assuming any comments made on my web site would show up in my email, but not so. I just now saw yours.
Glad you’re having a great summer. We are too. Blessed lovely days in a society of mostly peace and abundance!
Hey Brad, I’m glad to hear that you’re bouncing back! The 21st century needs your wisdom and guidance, and until I get my ship repaired and launched, Earthly religion is all I’ve got ( I’m still waiting on spare parts from Tralfamadore…) Then, once I actually land on the Red Planet, I’ll still be waiting for a Messiah to come wandering out of the Martian desert, and who knows how long that will take? The prophets are oddly silent on the matter, but on second thought this might be good gig for you! Do you have any plans for the… Read more »
No plans for then. At 74 now, there’d have to be vast advances in longevity. However, I’m hoping something I do will help make it better for my sons and others, including life in general on Eden.
You’ve done your good; keep it up!
Glad to hear that you’re overcoming the health setback — sending “good” thoughts your way.
I’m happy to be here supporting you working for the Good… earlier today I was thinking about what a “good” person you are… So naturally you work for the Forces of Goodness!
p.s. Bradley, I’m so glad you are on the mend!
Thanks, Teja. I’m appreciative of your good work. May you be supported and rewarded for it.