Ironically, perhaps even suicidally, we've elected the party whose assumption is that "government is bad for us." And now it is. They are that cynical…

BBC Says in September of 2022
Here’s what I contributed to various forums, tweets, and emails in the order they were posted: political branding, ecological wishes, critiquing and complimenting media, electrified bikes and other vehicles, public ownership of personal and public power gathering, Israel’s shooting of a journalist, rising fascism, misnomers on the geography of cities, sections, and continents, mob-mind Republicans, support for my local State Senator, the foolishness of “believing in the Bible,” (including my own core biblical theology on how Genesis One can fix the eons of mayhem based on a shoddy reading of Genesis Two/Three), how to handle bullies in the GOP, hemp and cannabis, efficient air conditioning, plastics and packaging, sentience in octopi and other creatures, insidious bots spreading riled divisiveness, sneaky agendas in the Oregon governor’s race, some word jokes, comments on Florida’s Ron DeSantis’ using hapless asylum seekers in an expensive stunt, a supportive reply to a former UU minister’s turning Catholic (along with a true report on how I once briefly took communion in Notre Dame), Saudi Arabia’s owning water rights in New Mexico, a caustic response to the Koch funding of more climate denial (see also my “Disinformation”), Capitalism and the Golden Rule, the non-showing of the January 6th Hearing, whether our “Representatives” represent all of us or not, the gas line explosion in Ukraine and avoiding war for all involved, a stolen pickup with a NRA sticker, excessive lights at night, Donald Trump’s hairdo, and finally, a report about my own 1966 Ford pickup named Merkley.
Okay, you’ve been warned. Read at your own risk and reward.
9-1-22, To KOS commenter Cargill, who wrote about phony, forced majority:
And what’s this about a “natural republican majority”? I had to laugh. Where has this guy been to be so delusional. They are a decided minority in this country.
The Republicans should be a minority party, but sadly they have attracted | captured millions of working-class types who should be the natural constituency for a centre-left social-democrat party — but the reality is that Republicans win many low-income, mostly white, outer-urban counties, in state after state, while Democrats win districts with either solid minority demographics, or upscale places (where all them cultural elites congregate and sip lattes).
And look at how many state legislatures are solid red, and have been for a long time … and it’s not all due to gerrymandering. The Democrats shouldn’t have to struggle and fight so hard to win elections, but they do.
My reply:
The Democrats have abandoned the so-called red states, rural residents, and white, heterosexual males like me. None of their ads welcome these crucial and numerous types.
It’s great that the Democrats honor and protect various minorities, but it’s a mistake and a waste not to identify with and reclaim their original (but, sadly, neglected) strength. Or should they just send them to the Proud Boys as Bannon and Putin would like?
AngryOldWhiteMan replied to me:
You certainly don’t hear those messages the same way I do.
I see and hear white, black, brown, female, gay and straight Democrats saying, “This is who we are. This is what we did and what we’re doing. Come join us. All are welcome.
We know that there’s white, male privilege. Here’s how we’re using ours.”
My reply to AngryOldWhiteMan:
If they were grounding their efforts in “all are welcome,” I’d cheer, but I haven’t seen it. I’ve seen and heard lots of innuendoes that current white males have somehow created the problems for thousands of years and are still the problem, centering on the vilest examples available, as if all are automatically guilty. I don’t see featuring white guys in pickup trucks expressing their support for inclusive and just Democratic efforts. Your closing two sentences would make a great script for such a homey ad.
9-2-2022 to NYT sign-up for the Al Gore/John Kerry Climate Event Series, answering “What question would I ask?”
Beyond rescuing the only Edenic planet we ever had and ever will have, what could we do to help it flourish better than ever forever?
To a Facebook post from Country First, “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”:
The real news this morning is how the major networks didn’t air the most significant and truth-telling speech in American history – President Biden’s calling out the rise of fascism in the MAGA movement. What was so much more important to air instead of his important address? Irresponsible cowards! Chant it with me now: “News will not replace us!”
Same day to KOS article on police pounding a 12-year-old boy:
Defang the police!
9-3-22 to a Kinzinger retweet of Health Mayo saying Biden’s speech shouldn’t have been a “vote for us” speech:
But voting for them is about the only power we have to save our beloved America from divisive, mounting, armed, financed, cruel, blatant fascism. I’m proud of President Biden for saying so.
Same day to Cleantechnica report on bicycles in cities:
Many of the responses here are hyperbolic, hyping the fear and even the temperature – how often do we get black ice or 125 degrees?!
I’m 77, didn’t get hip replacements, and still have my car but only use it rarely, such as when I haul a bunch of stuff or drive a long way. Otherwise, I’ve saved myself, my community, and our planet about $2000 worth of gasoline in two years [by using my electric bike].
Multiply those savings of money and pollution by all those who opt for e-bikes and EVs and we see how much money is saved and pollution avoided in our communities!
Biking is more vulnerable than driving a car, and parking bikes is a hassle. But otherwise, riding is pleasant, easy, and inexpensive. I sometimes use the sidewalk (which could also be called a side ride), yielding to occasional pedestrians if they’re there, of course.
Also, this being Oregon, I don’t have to stop for stop signs and flashing red lights; bikes are allowed to roll through when there is clearly no cross traffic in the right-of-way. When there is, I have to stop, as is regulated and appropriate.
More and more ebikes in this western town (Ashland, of about 22,000 residents with some steep hills to climb). Also, there are more and more escooters, eskateboards, and one-wheel skateboards, all of which take up even less room than bikes. Much of what we do can be handled by such small evehicles instead of huge, heavy, polluting, expensive cars and trucks.
9-7-2022 sent to Frontline at PBS for their “Lies, Politics, and Democracy.”
I watched it. Thank you all for the superb use of our TVs. You didn’t chicken out at this crucial moment in American history.
I just wish the MAGA/Fox crowd would watch it instead of avoiding, resenting, dismissing, and insulting it.
Same day to Cleantechnica article on how a $62T worldwide investment in clean energy would pay for itself in 6 years:
What if all the money now leaving your community to pay for fossil fuels (which finances their continued development, ongoing pollution, and wars to keep the slow suicide going) were to stay in our communities because they took advantage of the local sunlight and wind?
Besides the increased health and private/public return on investment, what is the ongoing impact on our local economies of that much money not leaving and instead staying local?
If the $62T investment paid for itself in 6 years, what becomes of that much saved money every 6 years thereafter?
Matt Fulkerson replied:
Well, in the Jacobson scheme, it isn’t all local energy. Rather it includes long-range distribution in order to minimize the use of batteries. (Note the 4-hour battery claim.)
And I replied to him:
True enough, but my point about re-energizing our local (and national) economies with the money that currently is drained from them still applies.
Then, Randy Wester replied:
“What if all the money now leaving your community to pay for fossil fuels were to stay in our communities because they took advantage of the local sunlight and wind?”
That’s a nice idea, but what actually happened with the local wind farm was that it was built by an oil company to get off the hook for carbon credits, then sold to Ikea to offset their carbon tax, while local power rates were jacked to pay for transmission line upgrades in the area, and prices are ‘pooled’ so that everyone in Alberta pays a share of the carbon tax on coal used 200 miles away.
I think 100% of the servicing is done by workers from the city, and nobody local has benefitted. Except the rural municipality that gets property tax money, and a few landowners.
There’s now talk of putting in a large solar farm to power a bitcoin mining operation, too. It’ll also be owned by people who don’t live here and use natural gas power at night and in winter.
But my rooftop solar has a more simple and direct ownership structure and clearer community benefits.
So, I replied to him:
Suitable objections. Centralized power invites scammers. Utilities should serve the public, not the public serving the utility privatizers and investors.
Your solution is replicable for many homeowners with suitable sunny roofs or sunny places where a solar array could be placed. And communities can pool their resources in local cooperative ventures that they can control.
After the return on investment, all the money not leaving such a house or community would then be available for the homeowner or the community. Why pay local money for distant profiteering? Why pay for pollution and wars when solutions are ours?
My letter to J Street requesting money to fight MAGA Candidates:
What is J Street’s position on the Israeli assassination of Sireen Abu Akleh? How have you used your influence on that in America and Israel?
Their reply:
Hi Brad!
Thank you so much for reaching out, and for voicing your concern about this issue. At J Street, we’ve been deeply concerned by the killing of Shireen Abu-Akleh. At the time of her death, we called for the Biden Administration to launch its own thorough, independent investigation into the circumstances of Abu Akleh’s death, and to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that those responsible for it are held fully accountable. You can read our full statement here. We also welcomed efforts in both the House and Senate that urged the Administration to do the same.
Following Israel’s announcement that they conducted an investigation and found that Shireen Abu-Akleh was likely killed by unintentional Israeli fire, our position remains the same — the United States must conduct its own independent and thorough investigation.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
My reply:
Thank you, Noa.
I would hope your organization would also complain to and pressure Israel itself and work with American Jews to do the same.
Your statement reports the Israelis said it was “… likely unintentional…” Really? It takes skill to sneak [a bullet] in below a clearly marked Press helmet and above a protective vest. And then their treatment of the funeral?
Your statement also mentions 19 Israelis killed but doesn’t report how many Palestinians were killed in that same period. Israel’s disproportionate treatment of Palestinians creates antisemitism.
Good for me to start to learn of J Street, though, so thanks for the reply.
On KOS, in a meandering thread about Dr. Oz being bested by a Fetterman joke, a long, mostly irrelevant exchange. I started it off by commenting:
Yeah, they call it South America when it’s really Southeast America.
And then adding:
And I’m from Michigan, which is called the mid-west. You can find it on a U.S. map in the mid-east section.
And they call the San Francisco area “northern California.” To find it, look to mid-California. Too bad, Redding and Arcata, you’re beyond the beyond.
I then confused the issue by commenting that Canada (Windsor) is east of Detoit.
But I fessed up after I checked the map:
My mistake! I’m from the Detroit area and always thought of Windsor as eastward across the river when it’s actually more southward. I had never heard that song or joke, but now I get it.
I replied to Reasonshouldrule’s noting that “south of Detroit” would intersect part of Canada
OK, but these quibbles are trite and distracting compared to the fascist surge in America and elsewhere.
Reasonshouldrule replied:
I certainly agree with you on that. Still, I think facts matter, even when they are “quibbles” or “trite.” And frankly, I don’t think any facts are trite.
Your reply to my comment took me on a tour of the many facts and quibbles here on this thread. I’m from the Detroit area and never noticed that “south of Detroit” indeed meets Canada even though, mostly, Windsor is east of Detroit. Other facts galore popped up about geography — all of them entertaining or interesting. I like facts too, like the mislabeling of “mid-west” (for Michigan) and “northern California” for San Francisco.
But I like meaning more, which is why I inserted a reminder about impending fascism. Oz is but a pimple on that ugly butt. And the whole butt could erupt with infection and ooze, puss running amok across our formerly lovely and friendly America.
Lehmansterns posted this on these geographical meanderings:
My original comment was meant in no more than an offhand manner as an aside – and made before I had read down the thread sufficiently to see that what had previously been merely a piece of bar trivia: “what country is the first you would encounter going south on a line of longitude from Detroit?” had been covered in such detail and accuracy by earlier posters. Those with relatively shallow map orientation would be expected to answer: “Mexico”, incorrectly, usw.
It is, of course, interesting to see how many folks here have had some exposure to cartography – enough, evidently, to have prompted this tangential thread – and this at a time when I understand college freshmen are typically hard-pressed to identify where they are and/or are from on “blank” map outlines. Depressingly tiny percentages could find, say, Florida – nearly no one could accurately place themselves in less obvious areas.
To which I replied:
OK, you got me. I had to get out a map to correct myself. Indeed, part of Canada is south of Detroit, not east of it as I had thought and posted in this thread. Going farther south of Detroit and Canada we intersect Cuba and then Costa Rica.
As to your point that many are geographically ignorant, I would add culturally ignorant too. We’re provincial, and like Joseph Rosendo likes to close his travel shows, quoting Mark Twain, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, narrow-mindedness, and bigotry.”
Which interrupts my urge to snarkily say that many can’t find Florida, as you noted, because we’d rather not admit it’s there – given the political morass it has become. Great swimming water, though!
9-8-2022 Posted on Facebook a link to the Republican Accountability Project scorecard of how Republicans acted relative to Jan 6th:
Glance through the scorecard on how Republicans voted relative to Jan 6th. I feel sorry for the decent Republicans in this cohort and for the constituents of the rabid deniers and insurrectionists. Mob mentality is hard to deal with and escape. I’m glad to live in an area where this toxic mindset doesn’t dominate our free and healthy ways.
Same day, replying to state senator Jeff Golden’s newsletter largely dealing with wildfires and what we can do to prevent them:
A telling overview. Thanks, Jeff.
Because our brains’ amygdala remembers hurts and stays worried about more that could come, it tends to overcome all the nice days and easy ways we also have. You inherit some riled reactions (remember when “reactionary” was a put-down?) which might stick in your emotional craw. But remember also the many like me who appreciate your work.
Spread the word: I’m glad we have a government that tries to work for us all. Enough of the cynicism, apathy, and thoughtless threats. You and others like Pam deserve this sincere pat on the back.
Public service, even paid public service, is a precarious endeavor these days. It suits some to keep people afraid, angry, and riled. They lay it on our public servants with deluded self-righteous arrogance, ironically self-perceived as patriotic. So I feel and worry for all sorts of government employees and representatives such as yourself. May you stay both safe and wise. As is said to vets, “Thank you for your service.”
Jeff replied:
This is most welcome, Brad. Thank you. Jeff
9-9-2922 Reply tweet to Frontline on “Lies, Politics, and Democracy”
I hope lots of Americans see this important and admirable report.
9-13-2022 to KOS report of a Qanon believer who murdered his family in Michigan, responding to Clutch Cargo’s objection to the Bible’s absurdity leading to superstition and denialism:
The Bible is replete with cultural hatred and genocide. That we are advised to read it as the “Word of God” is itself part of the devilishly pernicious imposition of it. As a minister, I deplore that sort of a reading of it. Only a humane and intelligent reading of it can find the gems among all the racism, cultural imperialism, and silly, sad, bad advice.
However, rather than mock Genesis One (1st creation story, found on page 1) for its mere 6 days of creation, I see those as coincidently analogous to our modern scientific theory of the evolution of matter and life — if the 6 days are taken as 6 epochs of time: the big bang, the 1st sun and its explosion into the larger elements, the formation of planets, the water, early cells and plants, later animals, and finally, on the 6th “day” humans. What is important in this creation account is that God (Elohim, a mixture of singular and plural, male and female) not only causes the creation but calls it all “good.” All together after the 6th day (including male and female humans), S’he calls it “very good.”
I agree with God on this. (And I’m more atheist or deist than a theist.)
I contribute this to the KOS forum because I believe that the crucial word “good” for all of nature is salvific to the problems spawned by Genesis 2-3, the second creation story. The Garden of Eden story tells of human alienation from their own bodies, each other, their garden, and their God (YHWH, singular and masculine) coming from their “eating” of the knowledge of “good and evil.” Instead of believing in the false goods and evils various serpents (who can wear clerical collars) advise, confusing and alienating us, we should remember what really was good, which was told in Genesis One. Nature is good, our ecosystem is good, and we are good. (Which early Americans called “self-evident” and “inalienable.”)
Irony and tragedy are that many are advised to believe in fallen notions of just what is good. Intelligence, conscience, and decent behaviors are not the way to be religious — merely believing in a preposterous story about Jesus dying for our sins is what makes us religious and grants us escape from hell. Meanwhile, our actual world goes towards an actual hell. The old Christian theologian Tertullian summed it up: “It is to be believed because it is absurd.” It is so sick!
For the few KOS readers who get this far in this long trope, I offer it as the main idea in my website: www.earthlyreligion dot com. Poke around there for a fuller explanation of this idea and for other mental meanderings, unusual sermons, some reviews, and a few out-and-out rants. I welcome you to argue or agree with me there.
Then I replied to myself, adding:
I would add that my trope is also in answer to ontheleftcoast and Semper Anglorum, above.
Same forum:
WaryLiberal wrote:
Horribly, tragic story. Society was better off before the damn internet! ( I realize I say this while on the internet, but if it was shut down I might miss it for a week or so and then life goes on).
To which I replied:
Simpsons character Side Show Bob took over the tv station, announcing on it something like, “I am aware of the irony of deploying the very mechanism I deplore.”
Mayo Tweeted:
Who wants to help me burn the GOP to the fucking ground?
I replied tweeted:
They deserve what they do. But if we deliver it back, they’ll whine and play the innocent victims.
How did 6th-grade bullies take power?
I used to endure 6th-grade bullies. But in the 7th, I smacked one back. He was shocked, but I never had to endure being bullied again.
Same day, comment on an NRDC report in Cleantechnica of the boreal forests’ decline to supply toilet paper:
Hemp would work well, plus it’s easy to grow in marginal soils, and it pulls down carbon fast.
Too bad the timber/cotton/nylon industries managed to disparage hemp by associating cannabis (called marijuana to associate it with Latinos) with wicked wildness to eliminate the competition way back in the 1930s.
Jump forward nearly a hundred years of unjust, unwise incarcerations to where hemp (and THC-active cannabis) are finally back as earth-friendly, human-friendly options.
Hemp for toilet paper, clothing, sails, and rope. (However, if you “smell rope burning” it might be hemp’s fun cousin.)
Same day to Cleantechnica Steve Hanley’s article on breakthroughs in air conditioning efficiency that doesn’t create ozone holes or add to global warming:
Thanks for this important and promising article, Steve.
Like LEDs and EVs, this is another example of finding a way if we have the will.
There should be no shame in the wealth of comfort if it is produced efficiently and ethically.
9-15-22 to BloombergNEF, found through a Circular Ecology newsletter article showing five graphs of projected plastics use:
Regarding plastics, even further “upstream” is challenging and calling for engineers and chemists to innovate plastics and packaging that can be cleanly burned, composted, or otherwise be harmless and even helpful to our overall life on this planet. We need the same sort of passionate purpose in addressing plastics as we have begun to do in addressing Global Warming. The current blight of plastics is an ecological, ethical shame.
9-16-22 on Quora at Ethology, response to Giant Octopus photo:
My Octopus Teacher demonstrates the obvious personality and intelligence of a small octopus. How about the giant ones? Would we be able to get along with one another and learn from it? (As rewritten for me by Wordtune)
Johnson is. Her folksy slogans mask her sneaky tactics and elite funders. Not as blatant as Drazen, but similar.
9-22-22 to NextDoor’s Jason Feldman’s
You gotta do what you gotta do because if you don’t do what you gotta do then what you gotta do won’t get done.
I replied:
Do, do, do. Be, be, be. Do be, do be, do. Do a doobie, too!
Same day (which is EQUINOX!) I replied to a Sarah Silverman tweet unloading expletives on Ron DeSantis’s using asylum seekers as a political stunt despite their weariness and attempts to follow U.S. law:
You’re too kind. The asylum seekers were assigned fake addresses in distant cities and expected to show up at those ICE offices Monday morning. They’ll have to walk fast! If there’s one word for the Florida fascist and his supporters, it’s: hateful.
9-24-22 reply to a letter from a former UU minister who converted to Catholicism.
Good for you, … ! You’ve been yearning.
I’m ok with Catholics, especially since Pope Francis, who I regard as one of the world’s best religious leaders ever.
I once took communion at Notre Dame. I was flying to India but got in late to France. They put us up in a hotel, waiting for a 10 AM flight the next morning. I got up early, took the train into the city, and quickly walked as fast as I could. The doors were closed when I first went past, but open on my way back. In a hurry, I scurried into the main room, found my way to a door behind the front altar, and went in. A priest was distributing communion to a line of people standing. I did a quick prayer: “I haven’t been to confession for decades. Is it ok to take the communion?” The answer from The Big Guy came back, “Yes.” So, I stepped into the line, took the wafer, and left. (No wonder the French think Americans are crass!) Nonetheless, I’m glad I did it. Missed my flight by three minutes, but there was another later that day.
9-25-22 Tweet reply to Sarah Silverman praising Pete Buttigieg for valuing water:
Meanwhile, Arizona has allowed Saudi Arabia unlimited water for free to grow alfalfa for itself at what would cost Arizonians $5.42 million [per year]. (I should have added.)
Reply tweet to a Bryon MacDonald tweet of a Guardian report of Koch bankrolling election denier candidates despite an earlier pledge not to:
He, and those of his ilk, are the enemies of our government, society, and planet. We should remember the pledge, “… defend against all ENEMIES, foreign AND DOMESTIC.” (Emphasis added because it is needed now more than ever in American history.)
9-27-22 to Cleantechnica report of the CERO e-bike:
This bike looks beefy and practical. Great range. Tina’s report doesn’t list the price, so, hard to compare. The Lectric bike is a foldable, more affordable e-bike that works fine. In our experience, they provided quick and polite service.
9-22-22 post to a Facebook entry by Allen Sayble on whether Capitalism should be replaced:
I don’t mind wealth for others, I mind wealth made at the expense of others, be they persons and people, animals, or nature. Your complaint makes sense when it turns “I and others” into “I over others, no matter what it does to them.” It’d be great if the Golden Rule were honored and applied, but in Capitalism, not likely. Whoever is best at being greedy and callous “earns” not only money but power and prestige. Ironic that their hero is Adam Smith when Smith didn’t just say “be greedy and it’ll all work out,” he said, “be self-serving with a mind to the Common Good.” I’m re-reading Schumacher’s Small is Beautiful, subtitle, Economics as if People Mattered. (And I’d add, “As If People, Animals, and Nature Mattered.”) Real wealth isn’t a yacht or electric panties, it’s clean air and water, a safe and comfortable home, some friends, some satisfaction, and realistic hope. May all beings be happy, free from suffering…, etc.
To Facebook entry by old friend Steven McCallum on the “Act of God” that postponed the Jan 6 Hearing:
I’m angry at the Committee, PBS, the major networks, and even Democracy Now! for failing to announce the postponement, why it’s happening, when it might resume, etc. It’s as if this most important moment in American history is to be shunted aside and ignored with absolutely no notice or explanation.
Faecebook reply to Steven on his reminding me in Ashland that we’re in a Special place” as the 10th largest “city” in Cliff Bentz’s 2nd Congressional District:
Our “special place” in the 2nd is isolated and abandoned, representative-wise. A question I had (when I headed up SOCAN’s Legislative Committee) for former congressman Greg Walden, and that I’d have for the current Cliff Bentz is, “When you are elected our Representative, does that mean you represent all the people in your district or just those who elected you?” For Republicans, apparently, it’s “win/lose and winner take all.” For Democrats, it’s, “we’re all in this together.”
Reply to a Jeff Merkley email about the Oregon governor race:
Drazen’s shallow slogans in last night’s debate worked. She embedded her attitudinal shorts in a larger narrative. Tina’s part was reasonable but lacked passion and story. It’s a good thing Betsy Johnson is running, otherwise, Drazen would win. I worry for Tina and our state. Tina needs to pep up her act and go on the attack. Drazen’s trite slogans have traction if no one trips them up.
Same day, a respected partial defender of Trump sent me this:
You do realize who blew up the two natural gas pipelines? It wasn’t Donald Trump.
This is very serious stuff.
To which I replied:
Haven’t heard.
I don’t blame Donald Trump for everything, just the insults, deliberate misinformation, and attacks on our society and government.
I wouldn’t put it past our CIA, Ukraine, or Russia itself – any of which would taunt more war.
It also highlights our (everyone’s) need to get off fossil fuels and instead rely on distributed gathering of clean renewables.
Same day reply to an Adam Kinzinger tweet knocking Trump for not attacking Putin on the gas pipeline sabotage.
I abhor Trump, but I agree that we should understand Russia’s fearful position on an intruding NATO, and we could turn instead to mutually respectful negotiations. Neither Ukrainian nor Russian soldiers or civilians should be dying. Other problems need help than this tragedy.
9-30-22 to NextDoor post on Jupiter being so close:
I wish the tv weather report would highlight and explain various celestial events – moon phase, equinox and solstice, Jupiter up close, etc. I also wish we didn’t pollute the pristine night sky with needless lighting. Night lighting usually glares in our eyes instead of illuminating what we’d like to see. The glare shuts our iris down, making the dim but seeable shadows all the blacker. We lose the stars and the peace of the dark night. An extreme example of this is the lights of emergency vehicles (which must be bright in the daylight to be seen) blinding us with an overly bright light at night. This makes it all the harder to see around the blinding blast of light in that already vulnerable situation. They should dim down those dangerously over-bright lights at night. Similarly, any lights shining into our eyes at night prevent the viewing of our own glowing, splendorous galaxy. The night is not our enemy.
Reply tweet to a tweet that Mr.Quagmire posted, that Trump is bald “but his cover-up skills are massive!”
I detest his character and crimes but give the man his due about his hairdo! His coiffure is the best of any president, a work of art, better than most women. He’ll be reviled for almost everything he did, but he’ll go down in history for his coiffure. (Or is it Covfefe?)
Same day to NextDoor, a person had their ‘77 truck stolen, which had an NRA sticker on the window. I had contributed a bit for its return and joked I gave that bit even though it had that sticker. The owner wrote that she likes guns but not the NRA and will put a rainbow sticker over the NRA plaque. I replied:
Me too. I like guns, but only for target shooting. I wouldn’t use them to intimidate government workers, election officials, or people I disagree with like some deluded “patriots” try, but I would use them to defend innocents if necessary. Looks like you’re getting your truck back and you’ll be able to put up your rainbow sticker. Me, I’ve got a mostly ’66 Ford F-250 pickup. It’s already rainbowish, given the various paint jobs and rust. It always starts, burns way too much gas, but can carry a heavy load. The doors still shut.
Then added:
By the way, I call my truck Merkley, in honor of our senator. I have a photo of me on it (published long ago in the Locals Guide) signed by Jeff.
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