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Thomas Jefferson Then and Now A video of my presentationThe text version is available below Thomas Jefferson Then and Now I am honored to speak to the Jefferson Center here in the State of Jefferson, entertained by Jefferson Public Radio – on the topic Jefferson Then and Now.  The Jefferson Center takes its name from Thomas Jefferson. Among many ideals associated with him, we are especially drawn to the ideals of curiosity, reason, inquiry, learning, and freedom of thought. Jefferson opposed intellectual or moral authoritarianism of any kind, advocating…

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Faith in the Larger Liberty

Picture this: Our president in the White House takes scissors to Bible, cutting out of the New Testament all that makes Jesus more God than human.  Out goes the virgin birth story, the miracles, even the resurrection.  When preachers object, he calls them “soothsayers and necromancers.”  To top it off, he is having an extended affair with his half-black servant, fathering children with her.   Such a scandal would leave Fox News sputtering, unsure how to begin the spin.  How prissy and protected we are…

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